RecyclerView Selection Touch Conflict with ItemTouchHelper Move: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Godelieve -

RecyclerView Selection Touch Conflict with ItemTouchHelper Move: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the pesky touch conflict between RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move? You’re not alone! This article will walk you through the most common issues and provide you with practical solutions to overcome this frustrating problem.

What is RecyclerView Selection?

RecyclerView selection is a feature that allows users to select one or multiple items from a list. It’s a crucial component in many Android apps, especially those that require data management, such as email clients, file explorers, or shopping carts.

How Does RecyclerView Selection Work?

RecyclerView selection works by using a selection tracker, which is an instance of the `SelectionTracker` class. This tracker is responsible for managing the selection state of each item in the RecyclerView. When an item is selected, the tracker updates the selection state and notifies the RecyclerView to update the item’s appearance.

What is ItemTouchHelper Move?

ItemTouchHelper move is a feature that allows users to reorder items in a RecyclerView by dragging and dropping them. It’s a powerful tool for creating intuitive and interactive user interfaces.

How Does ItemTouchHelper Move Work?

ItemTouchHelper move works by using a callback, which is an instance of the `ItemTouchHelper.Callback` class. This callback is responsible for handling the drag and drop events and notifying the RecyclerView to update the item positions.

The Conflict: RecyclerView Selection vs. ItemTouchHelper Move

When you enable both RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move, you may notice a conflict. The selection tracker and the ItemTouchHelper callback are competing for the same touch events, causing unexpected behavior and issues.

Common Issues:

  • Selection is lost when moving items
  • Items are not selected when long-pressing
  • Drag and drop is not working correctly
  • RecyclerView crashes or freezes

Solving the Conflict: Practical Solutions

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are some practical solutions to help you resolve the conflict between RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move:

1. Use a Custom Selection Tracker

Create a custom selection tracker that ignores the touch events when the ItemTouchHelper is active. This way, the selection tracker won’t interfere with the ItemTouchHelper move.

public class CustomSelectionTracker extends SelectionTracker<String> {
    private ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper;

    public CustomSelectionTracker(ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper) {
        this.itemTouchHelper = itemTouchHelper;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
        if (itemTouchHelper.isDragging()) {
            return false; // Ignore touch events when dragging
        return super.onTouchEvent(e);

2. Disable ItemTouchHelper Move on Selection

Disable the ItemTouchHelper move when an item is selected. This way, the ItemTouchHelper won’t interfere with the selection tracker.

public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyViewHolder> {
    private ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper;
    private SelectionTracker<String> selectionTracker;

    public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
        holder.itemView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                if (selectionTracker.isSelected(position)) {
                    itemTouchHelper.setDraggable(false); // Disable dragging on selection
                } else {
                    itemTouchHelper.setDraggable(true); // Enable dragging on deselection
                return false;

3. Use a Long-Press Gesture Detector

Use a long-press gesture detector to handle the selection and ignore the touch events when the ItemTouchHelper is active. This way, the selection tracker won’t interfere with the ItemTouchHelper move.

public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyViewHolder> {
    private ItemTouchHelper itemTouchHelper;
    private SelectionTracker<String> selectionTracker;

    public void onBindViewHolder(MyViewHolder holder, int position) {
        holder.itemView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
            public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                if (itemTouchHelper.isDragging()) {
                    return false; // Ignore long-press when dragging
                return true;

Best Practices for RecyclerView Selection and ItemTouchHelper Move

To avoid conflicts and ensure a seamless user experience, follow these best practices:

1. Use a Clear and Consistent Selection Model

Define a clear selection model that indicates when an item is selected or deselected. This will help the user understand the selection state and avoid confusion.

2. Handle Selection and Deselection Correctly

Handle selection and deselection events correctly to ensure that the RecyclerView is updated correctly. Use the `SelectionTracker` API to manage the selection state.

3. Use a Custom ItemTouchHelper Callback

Use a custom ItemTouchHelper callback to handle the drag and drop events correctly. This will give you more control over the ItemTouchHelper behavior.

4. Test Thoroughly

Test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that the RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move work as expected. Test different scenarios, such as selecting multiple items, moving items, and deselecting items.


In this article, we’ve explored the common issues and conflicts between RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move. By using the practical solutions and best practices outlined above, you can create a seamless and intuitive user interface that meets the user’s expectations.


Q: What is the difference between RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move?

A: RecyclerView selection allows users to select one or multiple items from a list, while ItemTouchHelper move allows users to reorder items by dragging and dropping them.

Q: Why do I need to handle the touch conflict between RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move?

A: If you don’t handle the touch conflict, the RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move may interfere with each other, causing unexpected behavior and issues.

Q: Can I use both RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move in the same RecyclerView?

A: Yes, you can use both RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move in the same RecyclerView, but you need to handle the touch conflict correctly to avoid issues.

Solution Description
Custom Selection Tracker Ignores touch events when ItemTouchHelper is active
Disable ItemTouchHelper Move on Selection Disables ItemTouchHelper move when an item is selected
Long-Press Gesture Detector Uses a long-press gesture detector to handle selection and ignores touch events when ItemTouchHelper is active

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to create a seamless and intuitive user interface that combines RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move. Remember to test thoroughly and handle the touch conflict correctly to ensure a smooth user experience.

Final Thoughts

RecyclerView selection and ItemTouchHelper move are powerful tools for creating intuitive and interactive user interfaces. By understanding the common issues and conflicts between these two features, you can create a seamless and efficient user experience that meets the user’s expectations. Remember to handle the touch conflict correctly, test thoroughly, and follow best practices to ensure a smooth and intuitive user interface.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the most common conundrums about RecyclerView-selection touch conflict with ItemTouchHelper move!

What is the RecyclerView-selection touch conflict with ItemTouchHelper move?

When you try to use RecyclerView’s selection library and ItemTouchHelper together, you might encounter a touch conflict. This occurs because both libraries have their own way of handling touch events, which can lead to unexpected behavior. Think of it like a tug-of-war between two powerful forces, and you’re stuck in the middle!

Why does the RecyclerView-selection touch conflict occur?

The conflict arises when RecyclerView’s selection library tries to handle long presses for selection, while ItemTouchHelper is attempting to handle swipes and drags for rearranging items. It’s like they’re speaking different languages, and it’s hard to get them to communicate effectively!

How can I resolve the RecyclerView-selection touch conflict?

One way to resolve the conflict is to use a custom ItemTouchHelper.Callback and override the getMovementFlags method. This allows you to specify which direction the item can be moved, reducing the touch conflict. You can also consider using a different selection handling mechanism, like a checkbox or a separate selection button.

Can I use both RecyclerView-selection and ItemTouchHelper simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to use both RecyclerView-selection and ItemTouchHelper together, but you’ll need to carefully handle the touch events to avoid conflicts. This might require some creative problem-solving and experimentation, but the end result can be a seamless and intuitive user experience!

What are some best practices for handling RecyclerView-selection and ItemTouchHelper?

To avoid conflicts, make sure to test your implementation thoroughly, and consider using a custom touch handling mechanism. Also, be mindful of the performance implications of using both libraries together, and optimize your code accordingly. By following best practices and staying vigilant, you can create a smooth and efficient user experience!

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