Unlock the Power of xargs: Pass Multiple Arguments to a Single Command in Custom Positions
Image by Godelieve - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of xargs: Pass Multiple Arguments to a Single Command in Custom Positions

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Are you tired of running the same command multiple times with different arguments? Do you wish there was a way to simplify your workflow and make it more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the mighty `xargs` command and show you how to pass multiple arguments to a single command in custom positions.

What is xargs?

`xargs` is a powerful command-line utility that allows you to execute a command on a list of input items. It’s often used to perform batch processing, especially when working with large datasets. By default, `xargs` takes the input items and appends them to the end of the command. However, we’ll show you how to customize this behavior to pass multiple arguments to a single command in custom positions.

The Basic Syntax of xargs

The basic syntax of `xargs` is as follows:

xargs [options] [command] [arguments]

Here, `[options]` are optional flags that modify the behavior of `xargs`, `[command]` is the command you want to execute, and `[arguments]` are the input items that will be passed to the command.

A Simple Example

Let’s say you want to create multiple directories using the `mkdir` command. You can use `xargs` to create three directories, `dir1`, `dir2`, and `dir3`, with a single command:

echo "dir1 dir2 dir3" | xargs mkdir

This will create the three directories. Notice how `xargs` takes the input items (`dir1`, `dir2`, and `dir3`) and appends them to the end of the `mkdir` command.

Passing Multiple Arguments to a Single Command

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the main topic: passing multiple arguments to a single command in custom positions. To achieve this, we’ll use the `-I` option, which allows us to specify a custom placeholder for the input items.

The `-I` Option

The `-I` option is used to specify a custom placeholder for the input items. This placeholder is replaced with the input items when the command is executed. The syntax for the `-I` option is as follows:

xargs -I {} [command] [arguments]

Here, `{}` is the custom placeholder, which will be replaced with the input items.

A Practical Example

Let’s say you want to create multiple files with custom names and contents using the `touch` and `echo` commands. You can use `xargs` to create three files, `file1.txt`, `file2.txt`, and `file3.txt`, with the contents `Hello`, `World`, and `Universe`, respectively:

echo "file1.txt Hello file2.txt World file3.txt Universe" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo > {}/1 {} && echo >> {}/2 {}'

This command creates the three files with the specified contents. Notice how we use the `{}` placeholder to specify the custom positions for the input items.

Customizing the Placeholder

In the previous example, we used the `{}` placeholder, which is the default placeholder for the `-I` option. However, you can customize the placeholder to suit your needs.

Using a Custom Placeholder

Let’s say you want to use a custom placeholder, such as `<<>>`. You can do this by specifying the placeholder as an argument to the `-I` option:

echo "file1.txt Hello file2.txt World file3.txt Universe" | xargs -I <<>> sh -c 'echo > <<>>/1 <<>> && echo >> <<>>/2 <<>>'

This command is similar to the previous one, but it uses the custom placeholder `<<>>` instead of `{}`.

Passing Multiple Arguments to a Single Command with Custom Positions

Now that we’ve covered the basics of passing multiple arguments to a single command, let’s explore how to pass multiple arguments with custom positions.

A Real-World Example

Let’s say you want to create multiple users with custom usernames, passwords, and groups using the `useradd` command. You can use `xargs` to create three users, `user1`, `user2`, and `user3`, with custom passwords and groups:

echo "user1 password1 group1 user2 password2 group2 user3 password3 group3" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'useradd -p {} -g {} {}'

This command creates the three users with the specified passwords and groups. Notice how we use the `{}` placeholder to specify the custom positions for the input items.

Best Practices for Using xargs

While `xargs` is a powerful command, it’s essential to use it wisely to avoid common pitfalls.

Handling Spaces and Special Characters

When working with input items that contain spaces or special characters, it’s essential to properly quote the items to avoid errors. You can use single quotes or double quotes to enclose the input items:

echo "'file1.txt' 'Hello World' 'file2.txt' 'Universe'" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo > {} && echo >> {}'

This command creates two files, `file1.txt` and `file2.txt`, with the contents `Hello World` and `Universe`, respectively.

Avoiding Command Injection

When using `xargs`, it’s essential to avoid command injection vulnerabilities. This can occur when user input is not properly sanitized, allowing attackers to inject malicious commands. To avoid this, always use the `-I` option to specify a custom placeholder, and avoid using user input directly in the command.


In this article, we’ve explored the mighty `xargs` command and shown you how to pass multiple arguments to a single command in custom positions. By using the `-I` option and custom placeholders, you can simplify your workflow and make it more efficient. Remember to handle spaces and special characters wisely, and avoid command injection vulnerabilities to ensure the security of your systems.


For more information on `xargs`, you can refer to the following resources:

Command Description
xargs [options] [command] [arguments] Basic syntax of xargs
xargs -I {} [command] [arguments] Using the -I option with a custom placeholder
xargs -I <<>> [command] [arguments] Using a custom placeholder with the -I option

We hope you’ve enjoyed this comprehensive guide to passing multiple arguments to a single command in custom positions using `xargs`. Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Question

Passing multiple arguments to a single command in a custom position using xargs can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Can I pass multiple arguments to a single command using xargs?

Yes, you can pass multiple arguments to a single command using xargs. You can do this by using the `-I` option, which allows you to specify a placeholder for the arguments. For example, `echo “arg1 arg2” | xargs -I {} sh -c ‘command {} arg3’`. This will run the command with `arg1`, `arg2`, and `arg3` as arguments.

How do I specify the custom position of the arguments using xargs?

You can specify the custom position of the arguments using xargs by using the `-I` option with a placeholder. For example, `echo “arg1 arg2” | xargs -I {} sh -c ‘command arg3 {} arg4’`. This will run the command with `arg1` and `arg2` inserted at the position of the placeholder, resulting in `command arg3 arg1 arg2 arg4`.

What is the advantage of using xargs over other command-line tools?

xargs is advantageous over other command-line tools because it allows you to build and execute commands dynamically, making it extremely flexible and powerful. It also provides features like parallel execution, which can significantly speed up your workflow.

How do I handle spaces in arguments when using xargs?

To handle spaces in arguments when using xargs, you can use the `-0` option, which tells xargs to use the null character as the delimiter instead of spaces. This way, arguments with spaces are treated as a single argument.

Can I use xargs with other command-line tools?

Yes, you can use xargs with other command-line tools. xargs is designed to work with the output of other commands, making it a versatile tool in your command-line toolkit. You can use xargs with tools like `find`, `grep`, and `echo` to perform complex tasks efficiently.

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